Tropical Aquatics is the oldest and largest provider of the CPO® Swimming Pool Certification course in the State of Florida. We also provide consulting and expert witness services. We have an extensive technical library and we believe it is important for all pool operators to have access to vital pool/spa operations information. We are pleased to share some of our resource material with our CPO® students, so that they may provide a safer and more enjoyable swimming experience.
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ADA Requirements – A Presentation
Prepared by Ronald Ford with thanks to Keiser University's Chair of Aquatic Engineering – Connie Sue Centrella
CDC Infectious Disease in Children
Infectious Diseases In Children – A Slack Corporation Publication "Is chlorination enough to ensure healthy swimming?"
EPA Chemical Emergency Preparedness
Facilities should train all employees, including summer employees, on the safe use and potential hazards of these chemicals.
Florida DOH Administrative Code
CHAPTER 64E-9 PUBLIC SWIMMING POOLS AND BATHING PLACES "Regulation of public swimming pools and bathing places is considered by the department as significant in the prevention of disease, sanitary nuisances, and accidents."
OSHA Chemical Hazard Communication
Chemical exposure may cause or contribute to many serious health effects such as heart ailments, central nervous system, kidney and lung damage, sterility, cancer, burns, and rashes.
Taylor Technologies' Chemistry Topics
Reagent Shelf Life; Calcium Hardness; FAS-DPD: Non-chlorine Shock
United States Access Board 2003
The ADA requires that newly constructed and altered state and local government facilities, places of public accommodation, and commercial facilities be readily accessible to, and usable by, individuals with disabilities.
United States Accessibility Guidelines
July, 2004: "These guidelines update access requirements for a wide range of facilities in the public and private sectors covered by the law."
United States DOJ 2010 ADA Standards
The 2010 Standards set minimum requirements for newly designed or altered State and local government facilities, public accommodations and commercial facilities.